Wednesday 28 September 2011

Flag this message ESA/Hubble Science Release heic1113 - Hubble Movies Provide Unprecedented View of Supersonic Jets from Young Stars

For Your Information:
ESA/Hubble Science Release heic1113 - Hubble Movies Provide Unprecedented View of Supersonic Jets from Young Stars
For your convenience the first paragraph of the release is provided below:
Astronomers have combined two decades of Hubble observations to make unprecedented movies revealing never-before-seen details of the birth pangs of new stars. This sheds new light on how stars like the Sun form.
The release, images and videos are available on:
We would also like to direct your attention to the following:
Hubblecast 49: Supersonic jets from newborn stars
Your Chance to Ask Hubble — Hubblecast’s Dr J answers your questions
ESA/Hubble Picture of the Week: Astronomical Vision Test

ESA/Hubble Picture of the Week on 22 Aug. 2011: Feeling the Strain
ESA/Hubble Picture of the Week on 15 Aug. 2011: Hubble Offers a Dazzling Necklace
ESA/Hubble Picture of the Week on 8 Aug. 2011: Crowded, but Suspiciously Quiet?
ESA/Hubble Picture of the Week on 1 Aug. 2011: Enigmatic Cluster Targeted by Hubble
ESA/Hubble Picture of the Week on 25 Jul. 2011: Sunset Glow in Orion
Kind regards,
ESA/Hubble Information Centre
The ESO education and Public Outreach Department
31 August 2011